Grant County

Fire District


All Rights Reserved.  Copyright 2006 Grant County Fire District 13


 P.O. Box 812 Ephrata, WA 98823   PHONE:  (509) 754-3276  FAX:  (509) 717-0036



 The Beginning, 1963
Grant County Fire District 13 was formed in 1963 when a group of
Today Fire District 13 has over 30 volunteers who are working hard to improve in every aspect that we can.  Training is in the forefront so that we are truly prepared to respond to any situation.  Our aggressive approach to find funding for new apparatus projects has yielded us amazing results.  We have been the recipients of six consecutive Department of Natural Resources grants and five consecutive FEMA grants.  These monies have been used to upgrade equipment, personal protective gear, communications and safety.  A direct result of these grants have been a streamlined operation.  With the purchase of our new station our volunteers have been able to provide lower response times and have utilized the new maintenance facility to aid the in the upgrade of apparatus.  With the addition of a part time mechanic we have been able to insure the proper maintenance of this new equipment so that they may serve you for years to come.  While Fire District 13 has gone through many changes throughout the years one thing has not changed since Dist 13's inception is the professional service from its volunteers.  Below is the progression of the Dist. 13 patch throughout the years.

Fire District 13 currently has over 2 million dollars in assets.  This includes our equipment, apparatus and property.  This was achieved through time.  When the department started in 1963 its total assets was about $1,000.  It is phenomenal that today Dist. 13 has over 2 million in assets while still only collecting .92 per thousand.  Dist. 13 works creatively to continue to provide a high quality of service while not taking more from its citizens.  While this is our primary goal (not to raise taxes) Dist. 13 is currently only collecting a fraction of what is authorized.  In   Dist. 13 will ask residence to approve our department to collect the full amount thus giving us resources to insure a positive future and combat new funding issues like the increase in gas prices (spent about $3000 in 2000 on fuel.  In 2006 spent $8,000 in fuel). 
The Future
Dist 13 is projected to grow 11% in 2007.  The previous years it has only grown by 1%.  Our call volume is steadily increasing and with that comes many changes. In 2007 we will have almost $93,000 to work with in our operating budget.  While this is still a small budget for a fire department to work with, it will be used so that we may set foundations for the future.  One of the things that will not change with Dist. 13 is our volunteer's dedication to serving the community effectively. 


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