WASH- In a move to keep residents more informed in
this technologically advanced age, Grant County Fire
District 13 will be utilizing Facebook to relay
information about current incidents and District 13
related news. District 13's Facebook page has
been around for sometime but the move to use
Facebook as a primary means of information sharing
is centered around a common trend in citizens
gathering news from social media.
News outlets throughout the country have turned to
social media like Facebook and Twitter to share
news. This will eliminate the citizen having
to go to several different news agencies websites
including Dist 13's website to figure out what's
going on. It will also increase the ability to
more rapidly share Dist 13. information.
Citizens are encouraged to still regularly visit the
Dist. 13 website for a more complete picture of how
Grant County Fire District 13 is consistently
working to exceed our mission and adhere to our
values. Go to the following link
or search Grant County Fire District 13 on Facebook
and "Like" our page so you can receive up to date
information on how District 13's Firefighters are
striving for a safer Ephrata area.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ephrata-WA/Grant-County-Fire-District-13/156965497676106 |