All Rights Reserved.  Copyright 2006 Grant County Fire District 13

 P.O. Box 812 Ephrata, WA 98823   PHONE:  (509) 754-3276  FAX:  (509) 717-0036

  Frequently Asked Questions


Can I arrange for a station tour?
Yes.  Interested parties can call 509-754-3276 or e-mail  Please put "Dist 13 Station Tour" in the subject line of the e-mail.  Please leave a message with the number of individuals in your party and the time you wish to come if you can not reach a firefighter.  While we can not guarantee your day and time will be met we will work with you to set up a tour on a day that will work.  We request that there be at least one adult for every five juveniles attending.  The tours can be tailored for a specific reason if needed.  Tours very in length but are generally about an hour depending on your group size.
What should I do when I see an emergency vehicle with lights and siren approaching?
The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) requires that you pull to the right and stop.  You may be issued a traffic infraction if you do not.  Do not slam on the brakes and stop in the middle of the road when you see apparatus approaching.  Make no sudden moves.  Simply slow, pull to the right and stop.  Do not tailgate, or follow an emergency vehicle too closely, or attempt to race ahead of an emergency apparatus in an attempt to benefit from the traffic cleared by its lights and siren.  It is also a traffic infraction to follow closer than 500 feet to responding emergency apparatus.  Most importantly pull to the RIGHT and stopNever pull to the left.  Moving your vehicle to the left can create an unnecessary risk to you and to emergency personnel.  This can also result in a collision with the responding apparatus and will delay personnel in their response to the original emergency.
Why do I see fire apparatus go through an intersection with lights and siren activated and then see them turn them off?
Lights and siren are only used when responding to an emergency call.  Apparatus responding to calls are often canceled by the first arriving unit once it is determined that the call is not actually an emergency.
Why do firefighters break windows and cut holes in roofs when the fire is inside the building?
Interior fires create a tremendous amount of smoke and heat.  Firefighters break windows and cut holes in roofs to ventilate or remove these fire products to reduce the heat and improve visibility for firefighters attempting to rescue trapped victims and to facilitate extinguishing the fire.
Do you get cats or other pets out of trees or off of telephone poles?
No it is best to put the pets food at the bottom of the pole or tree and wait for the pet to get down on its own.
Why are some fire trucks red and others safety green?
Red fire trucks belong to the City of Ephrata Fire Department while Grant County Fire District 13 utilizes safety green fire trucks. 
Why do I see fire department vehicles driving after business hours?
Command units carry vital equipment for incident command and safety.  The fire department duty officers are required to respond quickly to emergencies 24 hours a day.  That means they must be with their command unit at all times, allowing immediate response.  Response would be delayed if the duty officer would have to leave his home in his personal vehicle to go and get the command vehicle parked at the fire station.
Where can I find burning information and restrictions?
Pleas see the "Burning Information" section of our website.